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Draft Beer

Radeberger Pilsner 16oz

4.8% ABV $7

Hofbrau 16oz

6.3% ABV $8

Downeast Cider 16oz

5.1% ABV $8

Austin Cider 16oz

5% ABV $8

Sam Adams Summer Ale 16oz

5.3% ABV $8

Barrier Money IPA 16oz

7.3% ABV $8

Alewife Sunnyside Blonde 16oz

4.8% ABV $7

Yuengling 16oz

4.5% ABV $7

Montauk Wave Chaser 16oz

6.4% ABV $7

Bell's Oberon Eclipse 16oz

6.3% ABV $8

 Singlecut 18 Watt IPA 16oz

 5% ABV $8

Great South Bay Blood Orange Ale 16oz

5% ABV $8

Delerium Tremens 12oz

8.5% ABV $9

Fat Tire Amber Ale 16oz

5.2% ABV   $7

Golden Road Mango Cart 16oz

4.3% ABV $8

Lagunitas IPA 16oz

5.7% ABV $7

Stella Artois 16oz

5.2% ABV $7

Hazy Bear Hug 16oz

6.8% ABV $8

Bluemoon 16oz

5.4% ABV $7

Goose Island 16oz

5.9% ABV $7

Modelo Especial 16oz

4.4% ABV $7

Forged Irish Stout 20oz

4.2% ABV $8

Guinness 20oz

4.3% ABV $8

Allagash 16oz

5.2% ABV $7

Kona Big Wave 16oz

4.4% ABV $7

Abita Mardi Gra Boc 16oz

6.5% ABV $8

Grimm Seasonal

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